

Bug fixing

Cubicl Task Management Application is a web and mobile-based application that allows you to manage your work with your team. During my first whirlwind two months as a web developer intern, I dove headfirst into a world of groundbreaking experiences and endless excitement!

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

Cubicl Team

Meet our exceptional team members:


Task Management

  • Assign Tasks: Assign tasks to team members.
  • Track Progress: Utilize customizable Kanban view for easy task tracking.
  • Receive Notifications: Get notified about task assignments, progress changes, overdue tasks, and task comments.
  • Features Include:
    • Start and due dates
    • File attachments
    • Time tracking
    • Recurring tasks
    • Sub-tasks
    • Reminders
    • Task comments
    • Kanban customization

Team Collaboration

  • File Sharing: Share files seamlessly.
  • Messaging: Communicate via personal or group chat.
  • Task Comments: Provide feedback and updates on tasks.
  • Easy Information Retrieval: Shared information is easily accessible later.

Project Management

  • Project Planning: Plan projects effectively.
  • Performance Evaluation: Receive reports and statistics on completed tasks, time spent, and team member performance.
  • Visualization Tools: Utilize Gantt Charts and Time Chart for better project visualization.
  • Features Include:
    • Interactive Gantt Charts
    • Task reports
    • Task relations
    • Time Chart for team workload
    • Time tracking reports
    • Integration with tasks

What I contribute

  • Mainly focused on frontend development

  • Angular 8.0, Typescript -Hands on experience in components, services, third party libraries, directives, data binding

  • Performed some asynchronous data operations and other ES6 features

  • Bootstrap and SCSS

  • Fixed numerous responsive and other style issues of the web application

  • Worked on Cross-browser compatibility issues

  • Backend Fixed some bugs using PHP Laravel