
SmartDelta DIA4M

Node.js TS
Material UI
Elastic Cloud

Distributed Visual Log Trace Analysis Tool for Devops Engineers

Pearls of silky soft white cotton, bubble up under vibrant lighting

DIA4M Team

Meet our exceptional team members:

Watch the introduction:

During my tenure at Orion Innovation, I played a key role in SmartDelta International R&D project, a part of ITEA4. The project’s focus was on “Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development.”

Effectively advanced the extraction of mappings between microservices based on business requirements, starting at 60% completion and successfully achieving 100%. • This accomplishment significantly enhanced the accuracy of understanding and optimizing system interactions, ultimately contributing to improved software quality and operational efficiency.

Developed state-of-the-art UI/UX interfaces for troubleshooting use cases using an innovative node-based interactive visualization approach, combining the d3-force layout and reactflow library.







Refactored the frontend architecture to improve decoupling and separation of concerns, resulting in a more maintainable and scalable codebase.

Collaborated closely with DevOps engineers and ML engineers to gather feedback and enhance the user experience and functionality.

Integrated data science prediction module and Node.js backend by contributing to both Python Flask and Node.js APIs.

Resource Usage !

Conducted exploratory data analysis and visualizations to present valuable insights from microservice logs, contributing to informed decision-making and problem- solving.


Services Summary !

Developed Elastic Cloud Integration so that AWS based distributed systems integrated into DIA4M easily and the system get the transaction values through Elastic Infrastructure

Anomalies! Currently, I m working on Anomaly Detection Module Integration between Node.js Backend, Elastic Cloud and Flask Data Science API.
